Blue Butterfly

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all... .

Hello to all you fabulous Bloganistas and those of you in training.  Well, the snow hasn't arrived yet, here in Pittsburgh (thanks goodness) -  that being said,  even tho' it is a lot of cooking and running around, at least for the women in this country (hint, hint... .)  the men just sit back, watch football on TV and enjoy the spoils of our labour;  however, the two men in my life, my husband Bob and son Robert, always clear the table, clean the dishes and load the washer, so in that area I have a lot to be thankful for and I always remember to tell them.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful Holiday  that we, here in the States, really enjoy - never forgetting that it is a tribute to the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Our way of celebrating, over the centuries, has changed, but we all need to remember the sacrifices they made and their endurance; as a result, here we are today, 395 years later, still giving Thanks and enjoying the tradition established all those years ago.
Thanksgiving traditionally kicks off the Christmas shopping season -- I was out this morning and stopped in at Kohls and did most of my shopping, however, you can be sure I'll be dashing around at the last minute for those little things I forgot.
Tomorrow will see me getting side dishes prepared and into the 'fridge ready for the oven on Thursday -- that being said, please send good thoughts my way - the main electric breaker needs to be replaced and it kicks off the electricity when I least expect it, so let's hope I get all the food cooked and ready for the table.  Oh, did I mention I have an all electric house, so your good thoughts will be more than welcome... .
Wee Corey is hanging in there -- the muscles in his legs have deteriorated and he is having a tough time walking but it has done nothing to diminish his appetite, he scoffs down 3, sometimes 4 meals each day, and inbetween has his Pupperoni treats and then mooches when Bob and I are eating our evening meal.   He'll be 16 on Christmas Day x 7 in people years, so that makes him 112.
Well, to all my Family and Friends, Bob, Corey and I wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING, be safe and especially BE HAPPY and THANKFUL for what we have - from my table to yours.

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