Hello to all you Fabulous Bloganistas, Can you believe it, here we are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in a couple of days and then it's all a-go getting ready for Santa Claus, ho, ho, ho!!!
Nothing much is going on at the moment -- I have the Turkey brining, got my bread croutons cut and ready to toast tomorrow to get the stuffing ready. Have all the "stuff" to make a couple of Pumpkin Pies and all the fixin's to make my casseroles etc., you all know the drill.
The weather took a cold turn today along with some snow, however, now that it is raining it is washing away the snow and it's all slushy - we have to get some more snow tonight - let's hope it is dry and sunny on Thursday for Thanksgiving Day. I was going to go to ceramics tonight but decided against it due to the weather - next week is another day.
Thanks to Mother Nature and my neighbour across the street I am able to share this beautiful picture with you - the autumn colours are so spectacular and each year they seem to look nicer; however, it doesn't last too long and we find ourselves looking at the bare branches that, in themselves, have a certain elegance.
Well, as I said, nothing much going on at the mo, so I will close for now and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Cheerio for now, ta ta, toodle pips, au revoir and all that jazz. Corey says hello - he got his hair cut yesterday and is looking very dapper. Wishing you All the Best, "E"