Good Morning to one and all... .
This will not be a chatty Blog -- at 4:30a.m. this morning, June 12, my wee dog, Buddy, that's him to the left, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to be with Nessie and McTavish.
Buddy would have been 11 years old later this year -- if you read my earlier Blog you would have seen where Bob and I adopted Buddy and his older brother Corey - so their actual birth dates are not clear. He was not visibly sick, however, yesterday, Tuesday 11th, I did find a lump on his tummy so I planned on taking him to the vets this morning to have it checked out. He was restless throughout the night so I sat in the living room with him. He checked out his favourite sofa for a little while, then laid on the cushions he had knocked to the floor (his favourite pass-time). There will be no more Blogs from Buddy - his brother Corey is sleeping up on the sofa where Buddy did, oh well.
Don't feel like expounding on this, so to those of you who have wee 4-legged pals (unconditional love) give them an extra cuddle.
Time to say cheerio, Love to all, "E" and Corey.