Good Morning to all you Fabulous Bloganistas... .
Gladys says "smile the fresh air is good for your teeth... ." actually Jack Bogut said that, no really. If any of you think Gladys and I look alike, smile-wise, hey, I, too have healthy teeth.
Good news is mine to share -- I had the Laser surgery on my right leg this past Thursday, 28th July, from prep time to me walking out the door (under my own steam) took less than an hour. It was no fun getting the 7 shots of Novocaine in my inner right thigh from knee to groin, however, it was fun watching the monitor and seeing what was going on - had to make sure the doctor knew what he was doing... . He was great and so were Penny and Leslie, the nurses. I had to apologize to them, I was so nervous I was nattering on like a Budgie in heat, Although I'm sure there are those out there who will tell you that is par for the course with me. I have to wear a surgical stocking (such a passion killer) until this Friday when I go back for another Ultra Sound - this is a giggle, I am not strong enough to get it over my foot and up my leg, so --- every morning Bob has to put it on my leg. As a wee reward today, I am baking him half a dozen Banana Nut Bread loafs (bake them in soup cans and they look so cute) as a little Thank You for his patience. Anyhoo, glad to say yours truly is well on the mend.
The weather here in The Burgh is still miserably hot and humid - last week we had such a deluge of rain that it stripped the blossoms off my lovely Pink Phlox and ripped the Petunias to shreds - and, with the weather being so hot, the next day the ground was parched again. Not looking forward to seeing my water bill this month.
I see the NFL Players have reached an agreement with the owners; perhaps they expect the fans who pay exorbitant money for tickets, to throw them a pity party!!! how would they have managed to survive without their $-millions in pay. James Harrison and Hines Ward of the Steelers apologized, on TV, Harrison for his "personal" comments about Geidel (spelling???) and Ward for his DUI, however, he did say he has been a stand-up-guy for the past 13 years. Did any of you notice that Mendenhall was not made to apologize to the Country for his unbelievable remarks about the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11 having being staged... . I guess the Rooneys are more interested in counting their Green Backs instead of honour and respect for the USA - Shame On Them.
Now that I have that off my chest I'll wait for the NHL to start in late Fall and cheer on Sydney Crosby. Time to get on with putting my leg up on a soft pillow (after baking the cakes that is) have to relax you know. So, until next time, Cheerio, Toodle Pips and all that Jazz "E"